Friday, April 22, 2011

Cardinals Win...

Cardinals win...

Finally Cardinals break the losing streak as they hosted the Lindale Astros. Cardinals win 8-3. The Cardinals came to hit in this one. The entire team was finally getting base hits and good defensive plays.

Go Cardinals...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back to the Batting Cages !!

Cardinals step up on defense making great stops and getting runners at first base. A new lineup was introduce as Bella (#10) started with a huge hit. The Yankees' scoring, and stealing of bases would overcome the Cardinals.  Two runs scored by Darrion (#8) & Brianna (#1). The victory was for the Yankees 6-2. Tonight the Cardinals played baseball and had a great time doing it...

Go Cardinals..
Game Ball went out to Bella (#10) for her two great hits at bat..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cardinals on Losing Streak...

Cardinals continue on a downward spiral losing big to the Astros, 12-3. As the Cardinals started the day with a lead hit from Chris (#2), but then stranded on 3rd base as the next three Cardinals could not capitalize to bring Chris home. This would only be the beginning as the Astros were fired up and begin scoring. In the end the outfield for the cardinals got a good work out, said Nick-Ryan (#6), as he scrambled for alot of hits in center field.

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. (Quote by - Marilyn vos Savant)
Lets Go Cardinals

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

18-0. What !!!

Cardinals lose to White Sox, 18-0. We'll leave this short and simple. Cardinals were not feeling this one, after coming from a lose to the Red Soxs, The White Soxs came in and swept the Cardinals. Some of Cardinal fans were upset with the pitiching saying the machine was never setup correctly, causing the balls to be to high for the cardinals.

Maybe next time Cardinals...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Its Soxs Time Cardinals !!

As the Cardinals Continue to wear there Soxs, The White Soxs come up next. After more preparations from the Cardinal defense, this should be great one. This Tuesday night April 12th, 6:30pm, Stude Park will showcase The Cardinals 2-2 VS The White Soxs (??).

Front row Seating is still available..
The ice-cream truck will show up..
The man that sells the mangos (Fruit) might show...
You won't want to miss this one..

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cardinals Lose to The Red Soxs 7-1

Cardinals fall asleep as The Red Soxs run the bases. Major lose for the Cardinals as they couldn't keep thier winning streak alive. It all went down in the Second inning as the Red Soxs rallied and would score 3 runs. The Cardinals seem to be starting a bit different on defense with Brianna(#1) playing first basemen, and Albert(#3) at pitcher. As this would lead to a few errors and confusion from the players. The Cardinals would get on the scoreboard with a great in house homerun from  DJ(#12).  Chris(#2) is continuing to grow and make his presence shown, as he's batting gets better. Two great hits by Chris(#2), but stranded on the bases as the other Cardinals couldn't bring him home. Final score of 7-1 Red Soxs win..
In the end the Cardinals squad made tomany mistakes, therefore placing them with 2wins-2loses.
Maybe Next time Cardinals...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cardinals comeback to beat Mets 6-3 !!

Cardinals took on the Mets today. The Cards started out the night slow, striking out Martin(#4), Brianna(#1), and then a great hit from DJ(#12) but caught at 3rd. And things only got worse, Mets scored 2 runs in the 1st inning. Top of the 2nd Albert(#3) would get a hit and land on first. Journey(#11) would get Albert to 3rd, as she gets on base with an infield grounder. Chris(#2) would get a base hit and bring Albert to score, followed by Journey, and we have a tie game. Darrion(#8) would be out at first but bringing Chris to score. As the Cardinals continued with 1 out, Nicole(#7) would get a hit and make it to first. As Nick(#6) was up at bat Nicole would steal bases and get all the way to third base. Nick(#6) would finally make his presence shown as he makes a punt and runs like the wind to first. while trying to get Nick(#6) at first, Nicole(#7) would score, making the score 4-2 Cardinals way. Ruben(#5) would be next at bat. As Ruben(#5) would strike out Nick(#6) would steal base and make it to 2nd. Bella(#10) would get a base hit and get Nick(#6) to 3rd as she gets on first. Still top of the 2nd, Nick in scoring position., 2 outs, the inning would end with an out from Alex(#9) leaving Nick stranded at 3rd, Bella at 2nd.
Bottom of the 2nd Mets would have to score to keep up with the Red Cardinals that were on lumbre (fire). Mets would score 1 run to make it 4-3. Start of the 3rd top of the lineup for the Cardinals 2 in 2 out. DJ(#12) would get a big in house hit leading to HOMERUN, Cardinals 5-3. Mets would get on base but thanks to great defense by the Cardinals, plays at 3rd & 1st would keep the Mets from scoring, Awesome defense. Top of the 4th, Journey(#11) would start with a base hit and getting on base. Followed by a hit again from Chris(#2) bringing Journey(#11) to score. Darrion(#8) would find the ball and get on base. Runners at 3rd &2nd as Nicole(#7), Nick(#6), and Ruben(#5) would not get off home plate. In the end the Big upset was for the Mets as they started up the night, but the Red Hot Cardinals came back to win....

Player of the Game !!
Congratulations to Darrion(#8) for playing great Defense.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Practice Today !! Batting Cages

In this picture we can see the Cardinals, doing the traditional Cardinal dance.

Practice today 6:30pm, batting cages

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